Da Sweet Blood of Jesus 2014

Comedy Romance Thriller

Dr. Hess Green becomes cursed by a mysterious ancient African artifact and is overwhelmed with a newfound thirst for blood. He however is not a vampire. Soon after his transformation he ...

All Titles
  • US: Da Sweet Blood of Jesus Da Sweet Blood of Jesus
  • BR: A Doce Sede de Sangue A Doce Sede de Sangue
  • IT: Il sangue di Cristo Il sangue di Cristo
  • PA: La dulce sangre de Jesús La dulce sangre de Jesús
  • RU: Сладкая кровь Иисуса Сладкая кровь Иисуса
  • US: The Newest Hottest Spike Lee Joint The Newest Hottest Spike Lee Joint
Released 13 Jan 2015
Links IMDb
